An unlimited supply of purified drinking water for the home or office? Sign me up!
Start your free 7-day trial of our range of Bottleless Coolers for your home or office.
Featuring the Peak Combination Ice Maker & Water Dispenser, as well as other premium bottleless water coolers, Culligan of the Low Country has the solution for your home or office. With an unlimited supply of purified drinking water, there is no longer a need to schedule bottled water deliveries and store them at your home, office or store. With our free trial, you can enjoy the ease of our bottleless water cooler and discover the convenience and of going bottle free!
For a limited time only, sign up for our free 7-day trial so you can choose the right bottleless cooler for your home or office.
Take control of your water today—you won’t regret it!
Contact us to discuss the best package for you needs and explore options to suit your budget.